2.unReal BufferNode

Main panel

BufferNode is a node which gets the buffer value
for the outline detection which unReal creates inside at the time of a rendering.
This node can be used only by the node editor of brush setting of ToonTracer,
and outline detection setting.
- X (NodeInput)
- Y (NodeInput)
The coordinate which gets a value is specified.
Value ranges are -1.0 to 1.0 and 0.0 becomes a center of a rendering image.
- Offset X (Panel)
- Offset Y (Panel)
The coordinate which gets a value is specified by the relative pixel coordinate
centering on the current processing position.
- X
- Y
It is the coordinate determined by a node input etc.
A value range is set to -1.0 to 1.0.
- Group ID
It is a GroupID.
It becomes a integer of 0 to 99.
- Normal
It is the normal of the point seen from the camera.
- Depth
It is a depth.
1.0 becomes 1m.
- Custom1
- Custom2
- Custom3
- Custom4
It is the CustomBuffer value set up by EdgeTracer.